Get a taste of tradition and scale mountains in Miaoli, a lesser-known beauty spot in western Taiwan  

A laid-back land of mountains and hot springs, Miaoli puts quality of life (and food) high on the agenda. Explore its off-the-beaten-track charms for the sweeping views, heritage architecture, delicious food, and diverse local history.  

Things to do

Walk among Japanese cedar plantations and broadleaf forests on the scenic Mount Jiali summit trail. Breathe in fresh forest air and feel the area’s history underfoot as you glimpse disused logging tracks that meander through the trees. Soak off your exertions in the crystal-clear waters of Tai’an hot springs, and don’t forget your camera for nearby Shuiyun suspension bridge. Plan a visit to Miaoli in spring for the unforgettable sight of snow-white Tung blossoms adorning trees and trails. 

Miaoli’s traditional Hakka cuisine features flavourful, hearty dishes cooked with techniques that date back over a thousand years. Embark on a taste adventure at Miaoli’s atmospheric Yingcai night market with its maze of snack bars and street food stalls. By day, head to Nanzhuang’s Old Street, home to a covered market, and very much the place to eat and drink. From fresh staples like fruit and vegetables to local delicacies such as Osmanthus wine, you’ll be swept up in the fragrant array of flavours that give Miaoli’s food its enticing identity. 

Miaoli’s majestic holy site of Lion’s Head mountain is one of its main attractions. You can hike from one side of the mountain to the other, ending at the breathtakingly ornate Quanhua Temple, set into the mountainside amid stunning scenery. From ornate to unique – spot the world’s largest standing statue of Milefo, the laughing Buddha in Nature Loving Wonderland, a Buddhist complex close to Lion’s Head. Or stroll around Xiangtian Lake and visit the Saisiyat Folklore Museum, which exhibits the history and way of life of the area’s indigenous people, known for their colourful pasta-ai ceremonies.

Top Tip from SLH

Visit Nanzhuang’s Osmanthus Alley to sample unique flower-flavoured treats, including the traditional dessert of tangyuan, served with crushed ice and fruit.